Friday, June 25

V is so busy.

Have been working in Citi fo a week odd already, and tomorrow (saturday) I'll have to head over to my new work place in town fo work. I've already been rather chatty with my colleagues over in Shenton Way's branch, and I'm pretty reluctant to leave :/ Oh well, I hope the branch that I'll be working at would have nice colleagues which I had fo the past week!

I've been forgetting to bring my camera out, so that explains the lack of pictures the entire week :( Its a Friday night, and yet I'm home, sleeping since I got home from work. Really shagged!!! Luckily I've to work on Saturdays only twice a month! Been really broke as well, but my fingers have never stop clicking to purchase items online.. Saw a pair of heels earlier, and I am actually considering if I should get it! :))

And BTW, it feels really good to have the time to finally rest at home after a busy week! Time with myself to pamper my skin with masks and scrubs. Feeling really polished from head to toe! :))

So anyway, I'm missing my longer fringe.. Do you not agree that I look so much kiddish now!! Abhor that.. But well, fo a change fo now. Haha :) So the following pictures were taken before I had my haircut, and I didnt really had the chance to show them to you. My camwhoring picturesssss...









PS: I want my hair to grow faster. Longer hair, longer hair please.