Tuesday, August 10

Ten Things?

Life have been so busy fo me, and today, its finally a day fo me to head back home after work to have a good rest. And tomorrow, I would be watching YOG preview with a friend! Excited bout it. Haha!


Anyway! I've been having so many late nights, and I think I would wanna try something out to improve my complexion. Cos it has been super long ever since I've masked my face 3 times a week. And I think I really need to go back to the routine again to have better complexion! This time, I'm gonna take a picture of my complexion before my whole masking period and compare after a week or so to see if there's really a difference in masking/too lazy to mask!

I'm interested to sign up fo a facial package too, and I'm gonna go look around to see if I would find one that would really interest me! :))) I really need to start taking care of my skin all over again!!! Gosh!!!

To end this post, I'm gonna state down TEN FACTS bout me. LOL.


#1 - I'm standing at 155cm, weighing at 43kg.

#2 - I love vegetables but not cauliflower.

#3 - One of my biggest goal is to donate blood, but one of the requirements is to be at least 45kg. And I can never reach that figure no matter how much I eat. :/

#4 - I love tall, well-built guys.

#5 - I hate sweeping the floor, cos I can never get the dust/dirt in the dustpan.

#6 - I've only been to a gym twice in my entire 20 years of life.

#7 - Most of the time when I dine out, I would drink warm water if not, green tea/milo.

#8 - I dare not learn how to drive.

#9 - I started supporting myself, financially, since 17years old.

#10 - My biggest dream, is to have my own children. ( I LOVE KIDS )


The End.